The Plot
Soon after her divorce, Mavis Gary (Charlize Theron) returns to her hometown in Minnesota, to try to rekindle her romance with her ex-boyfriend Buddy Slade (Patrick Wilson). However, since Mavis left town, Buddy got married and had a kid. In Mavis’ mind this is only a slight obstacle, an obstacle that Buddy will overcome to be with her.
During the movie Mavis also gets back in touch with other people from her hometown, including her best friend from High School (Patton Oswalt). Patton serves as the voice of reason during Mavis’ pursuit of romance, but she doesn’t realize it. Instead she is convinced that she will be just as popular as she was in High School. As Mavis fails to win Buddy’s heart, Patton stands by her side, and it is not surprising when Patton and Mavis end up together.
The Good
+ As with Juno, Diablo Cody’s script offers plenty of hilarious moments without being strictly a comedy.
+ Patton Oswalt is incredible, as is Charlize Theron.
The Bad
- With names like Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody attached to the project it is disappointing that the overall plot sticks so closely to the Romantic Comedy equation that has been defined over the years.
Final Rating 4/5
*I have not seen this movie; this review is based purely off of assumptions made by watching the trailer. Some plot references are assumptions and do not represent the final product.
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