Friday, October 14, 2011

Trailer Based Review: Premium Rush


The Plot
In Manhattan, messengers travel as quickly as possible through the city to deliver envelopes.  Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Leviit) is one of the best messengers around.  However, when Wilee picks up his last delivery of the day on a premium rush run, he quickly discovers that this envelope is different.  His delivery quickly attracts the attention of a dirty cop, and upon refusing to turn over the envelope a deadly pursuit begins.
Luckily for Wilee the skills required for his occupation happen to translate well into high speed chases.  This movie plays out similar to every other movie in the chase genre.  Several high intensity chases take place, but eventually Wilee gets in a crash and is caught.  After being interrogated, Wilee escapes from where he is being held captive and one final chase take place, at the end of which the letter is delivered.  It turns out that the letter contains evidence incriminating Wilee’s pursuers, meaning that Wilee is able to return to his life as a hero.
After reading the plot you may be shocked to discover that this movie is not titled Fast and Furious: the Bike.  But I guess they couldn’t teach Vin Diesel how to ride a bike so they had to get someone else.

The Good
+The fact that the Levitt is on a bike makes the chases more intense.
+If you like movies with high intensity chases, you will enjoy this movie.

The Bad
-If you don’t like movies with high intensity chases, you will not enjoy this movie.
-It doesn’t do anything to change the genre besides put Levitt on a bike instead of in a car.

Final Rating 3/5

*I have not seen this movie; this review is based purely off of assumptions made by watching the trailer.  Some plot references are assumptions and do not represent the final product.


  1. Nick,
    When you said, "After reading the plot you may be shocked to discover that this movie is not titled Fast and Furious: the Bike. But I guess they couldn’t teach Vin Diesel how to ride a bike so they had to get someone else." I couldn't help but laugh after watching the trailer. I think that you completely nailed the plot, and your joke about Vin Diesel was funny too. I love reading your blog, good work!

  2. I don't really know how I feel about the movie based off the trailer. It could go either way depending on how the plot was written. Good post; it seems like you were right on point with what's going on in the story. There were some cool bike tricks it looks like, but I don't think it's going to be mind blowing when it's released next year.
