The Plot
When Paul Kemp (Johnny Depp), a freelance journalist, relocates to Puerto Rico to write for the local newspaper, he quickly finds himself immersed in a new world. A world fueled by alcohol and run by greedy exploitative men such as Sanderson (Aaron Eckhart). Kemp quickly becomes romantically involved with Sanderson’s FiancĂ© Chenault (Amber Head) and in doing so finds himself on the wrong side of one of the most powerful people on the Island.
Kemp fights back the only way he knows how, by writing an article to expose Sanderson’s illegal practices. Sanderson does not take this lightly and Puerto Rico quickly becomes a dangerous place for Kemp. While Kemp tries to survive, Sanderson attempts to hold onto his power after being exposed. This story ends as most however, with Kemp being victorious and winning the girl.
The Good
+Johnny Depp, Aaron Eckhart, and the rest of the cast turn in great performances.
+Several moments will keep you laughing, despite the fact that this movie is a drama.
+The extravagant Puerto Rico lifestyle is exciting and keeps you wanting more.
+Johnny Depp, Aaron Eckhart, and the rest of the cast turn in great performances.
+Several moments will keep you laughing, despite the fact that this movie is a drama.
+The extravagant Puerto Rico lifestyle is exciting and keeps you wanting more.
The Bad
-The conclusion leaves you feeling a little unsatisfied.
-The conclusion leaves you feeling a little unsatisfied.
Final Rating: 4/5
*I have not seen this movie; this review is based purely off of assumptions made by watching the trailer. Some plot references are assumptions and do not represent the final product.
Ha ha ha! This concept has quite a lot of entertainment value in it. How will you treat movies with multiple trailers?
ReplyDeleteThe plan is to do a review based off an individual trailer. If a movie has multiple trailers, that may end up being multiple reviews. It all depends on whether or not each trailer makes me think of a different plot.