The Plot
Kenny Bostick (Owen Wilson), Brad Harris (Jack Black), and Stu (Steve Martin) are three men at various stages in their lives. However, these men share two things in common: they are unhappy with their current lives, and they are avid bird watchers. When El Nino, a climate change, causes a large variety of birds to fly up to the United States extraordinary bird watching conditions are created. The three men decide to spend a year bird watching and experiencing life, which quickly turns into a competition to see who can spot the most birds.
Rather than being a relaxing vacation, the trip is filled with mishaps that the trio has to overcome. During the competition the men all have revelations. Brad realizes what he wants to do with his life, Kenny realizes how to fix his marriage, and Stu realizes how to live life without work. In the end Kenny wins the competition, but they all go back to their lives much happier.
The Good
+Martin, Black, and Wilson work well together, each providing their own type of comedy.
+Full of comedic situations.
The Bad
-However, all these situations are predictable.
-Jack Black’s physical humor is overplayed, which quickly becomes unfunny.
Final Rating 2/5
*I have not seen this movie; this review is based purely off of assumptions made by watching the trailer. Some plot references are assumptions and do not represent the final product.
I love the idea for these reviews based on the tiniest bit of information! I want to actually see some of these and see if they're anything like your predictions. I have always hated trailers that pretty much give away the whole movie.