The Plot
After graduating from high school, Jenko (Channing Tatum) and Schmidt (Jonah Hill) both decide to join the police force. During training they quickly discover that they make a good pair; Schmidt provides the brains and Jenko provides the brawn. After graduating, they are quickly assigned to an undercover police program.
Their new assignment is to return to high school as undercover cops and discover who is distributing a new drug throughout the high school. They decide to throw a party in order to get closer to the popular kids that are possibly behind the drugs. It is no surprise when the party gets out of hand and their cover gets blown. The movie culminates with a shootout during prom, killing the drug dealer in the process.
The Good
+ This movie feels a lot like ‘Superbad’ from the cop’s perspective.
+ The supporting cast is excellent.
The Bad
- I am not a fan of Jonah Hill or Channing Tatum, and this film doesn’t do anything to shift my opinion.
- The high school party genre has quickly become over saturated.
Final Rating 3.5/5
*I have not seen this movie; this review is based purely off of assumptions made by watching the trailer. Some plot references are assumptions and do not represent the final product.
The high school party movies are oversaturated.....As are the remake of every 80's show that made it beyond 1 season. I was not a fan of the original series and this seems to be based off the original almost in name only anyway. I dont really understand how Channing Tatum has a career.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Daventry. However I did enjoy the original series and I do like Jonah Hill, so I'll probably see this movie. Who is this Channing Tatum anyway? Moreover, he looks much too old to be playing a high school student, even undercover. At least Johnny Depp looked like he could pass as a student.